Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development

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Why Are Regular Staff Meetings Crucial To Your Farm Business?

When KCARD staff meets with new businesses and organizations, one of the most recommended courses of action is to implement regular staff meetings. In this blog post, we are highlighting some of the most frequently asked questions about staff meetings.

I do not have time to have staff meetings with everyone present. Why do I need to hold staff meetings? 

There is no question that there is a cost to having a staff meeting – both in terms of paying for staff members to be there and the opportunity cost of them being there and NOT performing some other critical tasks for the business.  However, we have seen time and time again where these meetings offer way more benefit than cost.  Having regular staff meetings can: 

  1. Create cohesiveness among the organization and helps people feel a part of the team, rather than just an employee.  

  2. Shares and builds the all-important culture of the organization - like the unwritten rules of how the business treats its customers, how it sees itself as a member of the community, and how staff members treat each other. 

  3. Allows for introductions of new employees, new ideas, new projects, etc.  

  4. Helps staff stay up to date on the happenings of the business. 

If you want the vision you have for your business to be effectively executed throughout your business as it grows, you must have ways for that vision to be communicated.  As businesses grow beyond employing just family members, that typically becomes harder.

No one really likes to attend meetings so how can I make staff meetings less painful and more effective? 

  1. Have an agenda and stick to it.  At first, it may feel too formal for your business.  However, an agenda lets everyone know what will be discussed and shows that you value the meeting enough to plan ahead for it. 

  2. Put times on the agenda. This helps keep the discussion focused. 

  3. Stick to the end time.  People value when meetings end on time.   

  4. Give everyone an opportunity to participate. This is increasingly important with COVID guidelines. Make sure people working remotely have access to join in online or by phone call.  

  5. Keep them regular and provide refreshments. It is easier to keep staff focused if they know when the meeting will occur each week, or month, and are not hungry or thirsty during the meeting.   

Staff meetings may take some practice before they become a natural habit in your business. However, rest assured, if you continue to make staff meetings a priority, these meetings will soon become less of a task, and an efficient way to create the culture you desire in your organization. 

If you would like to talk about how to incorporate regular staff meetings into your business or how to make them more effective, contact us at (859) 550-3972 or

Click here to watch Aleta Botts, Executive Director of KCARD talks specifics pertaining to staff meetings and how important they are for your business.