Co-op 101: What is a Cooperative? How can I form a Co-op?

Co-op 101: What is a Cooperative? How can I form a Co-op?

So, what is a cooperative? A cooperative, or co-op, is an organization owned and controlled by the people who use the products or services the business produces. Cooperatives differ from other forms of businesses because they operate primarily for the benefit of the members. Co-ops, as a business structure, have a few unique advantages.

Wayne Hunt Reflects on His 20 Years on Kentucky Agricultural Development Board, a Key Partner in KCARD’s 20 Year History

Wayne Hunt Reflects on His 20 Years on Kentucky Agricultural Development Board, a Key Partner in KCARD’s 20 Year History

“It’s hard to make decisions when you are funding dreams. That’s what we do.” Wayne Hunt has been helping fund dreams through his service on the Kentucky Agriculture Development Board since its inception in July of 2000. Through his service on this board and his work to spread the word about the benefits of producer-owned cooperatives, Wayne has gotten to know the work of the Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (KCARD) well.

You decided to start your own business, now what?

You decided to start your own business, now what?

Creating a business plan is an important first step in developing and maintaining a viable business. The business plan lays out a variety of aspects of your business for you, from the official name of your business to who will post on social media and anything in between. Business plans help you communicate your vision for your business in an organized way that can also hold you accountable to the goals you establish.

Sharing Your Business Story - Creating a Elevator Speech

Sharing Your Business Story - Creating a Elevator Speech

As an agricultural business owner, it’s inevitable that you will be asked the question “what do you do?” by a wide variety of people, such as potential customers, investors, or even competitors. You might be asked at a school event, community gathering, or even while at the grocery store. Having a clear answer to this question can help you make new relationships that will help your business.

Recordkeeping Tools for Success

Recordkeeping Tools for Success

Keeping records is VITAL to your business. It helps you measure your growth (or decline), see what is costing you the most, and give you an idea of how much money you have at a given time. A business owner must think about how they can best keep records to ensure the system will be useful. In this blog post, KCARD outlines the three different types of recordkeeping systems.

Farmers Market Vendors: Mid-Season Actions You Can Take to Make Next Year Better

Farmers Market Vendors:  Mid-Season Actions You Can Take to Make Next Year Better

In the state of Kentucky, fruit and vegetable producers are right in the middle of their busiest time of year. Although most preparations take place later this year, or even early next year, there are steps producers can take now that will make next season that much better.