Starting or growing a business is an exciting journey filled with opportunities and challenges. Whether you’re launching a startup, expanding an existing operation, or simply rethinking your strategies, it’s always helpful to have a well-thought-out business plan. This document isn’t just a formality—it’s a foundational step that can turn your vision into reality while ensuring you stay on track to achieve your goals.
New Year, New Habits
The beginning of a new year is often spent reflecting on the past year and planning for what is to come. We often make New Year’s resolutions to form new habits focused on our health and wellness; here are six habits that focus on improving the health and wellness of your business.
Business Development – Three Reasons to Think about Business Planning the Next Rainy Day
KCARD provides a lot of different services, but key to each one is our mission of Business Development for Kentucky farmers and agricultural businesses. While some businesses may not see the need for a business plan, here are three reasons that smart businesses put time into business planning.
Hidden Costs of Launching a Value-Added Product
Adding value to your farm product can bring more of that food dollar back home to the farm. Many Kentucky farmers transform their raw agricultural commodity into a different product with higher market value (milk to cheese, fruit to jam, etc.) This may seem like an obvious way to increase revenue, but it’s important to understand all of the costs associated with launching a value-added product. Understanding your costs will help you price your product at the right level and ensure that you can make a profit off the finished product.
Cash is King - Managing Risks Around Cash
It is important to understand the cash flow needs of your business and the potential threat of not having enough cash on hand. One of the most common challenges we see in businesses with whom we work is cash management.
When Does A Cooperative Make Sense?
The cooperative business structure can be an effective organization, but it is not appropriate for everyone or every business idea. When deciding whether to develop a business as cooperative, there are four key factors that need to be present for the cooperative structure to be the right choice.
Co-op 101: What is a Cooperative? How can I form a Co-op?
So, what is a cooperative? A cooperative, or co-op, is an organization owned and controlled by the people who use the products or services the business produces. Cooperatives differ from other forms of businesses because they operate primarily for the benefit of the members. Co-ops, as a business structure, have a few unique advantages.
When Do You Need a Feasibility Study?
“I need a feasibility study.” Maybe. When we hear these words at KCARD, we are going to want to know a lot more about your business and what you want to do with it.
Q&A with Abby Clas: Looking for Research
Abby Clas, KCARD’s research assistant, took some time to answer a few questions about herself and the assistance she provides to KCARD staff.
Q&A with Mattea Mitchell: Business Development Assistance
Mattea Mitchell, one of KCARD’s business development assistants, took some time to answer a few questions about herself and the assistance she provides.