The Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development has two openings: 1) full-time Business Development Assistant/Specialist (designated as either Assistant or Specialist depending on level of experience and expertise) and 2) part-time Administrative Assistant.
Job Opening: Grant Facilitator
The Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development is seeking an individual to work with agricultural and rural-based businesses seeking KCARD assistance through KCARD’s Agribusiness Grant Facilitation Program. This is a full-time position, and KCARD employees have flexible scheduling options available.
Job Opening: Client Coordinator/ Project Assistant
The Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development is hiring an individual to assist the KCARD team in its work with agricultural and rural-based businesses seeking KCARD services. This position will support KCARD’s work with these businesses and provide the individual with an opportunity to learn business development and advance to other positions.
How Do You Get Hiring Right?
Once you decide to hire someone, you need to lay the groundwork for keeping good employee records. What are some recordkeeping basics when you hire someone?