Kentucky Organizations Receive Grant to Supports Veterans Transitioning into Agricultural Careers

Kentucky Organizations Receive Grant to Supports Veterans Transitioning into Agricultural Careers

Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development along with partners Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Kentucky Sheep and Goat Development Office, Kentucky Horticulture Council, and University of Kentucky’s Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky (CEDIK) are collaborating on a $746,567 USDA grant to provide educational opportunities for veterans and transitioning service members interested in agriculture, develop a peer-to-peer network for veterans in agriculture, and construct a pathway that facilitates veterans’ entrance into agriculture-related careers. Additional support partners for this grant include the Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation, Kentucky Commission on Military Affairs, and Hopkinsville Community College.

(CLOSED) Job Opening: 2 Business Development Assistants/Specialists (one with Emphasis on Marketing)

(CLOSED) Job Opening: 2 Business Development Assistants/Specialists (one with Emphasis on Marketing)

We’re hiring! KCARD has two openings for individuals to work with agricultural and rural-based businesses seeking KCARD assistance. These positions will be designated as either Business Development Assistant or Specialist depending on the level of experience and expertise. One of the positions will have an emphasis on helping businesses with marketing needs and will also handle KCARD communications.

Q&A with Olivia: Local Food, Increasing Your Markets

Q&A with Olivia: Local Food, Increasing Your Markets

Olivia Vogel, KCARD’s new Local Food Project Coordinator, took a little time to answer some questions about herself, the new Local Food Initiative Expansion Project, and give some helpful tips for producers interested in expanding their markets.

KCARD’s Local Food Expansion Initiative

KCARD’s Local Food Expansion Initiative

The Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (KCARD) is launching the Kentucky Local Food System Expansion Initiative to expand the work of multiple organizations that have laid a foundation in Kentucky for local food purchasing. Organizations involved in the project include the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Kentucky Horticulture Council, Feeding Kentucky, Bluegrass Farm to Table, the University of Kentucky, and the Community Farm Alliance.

Recap of the 4th Annual Eastern Kentucky Farmer Conference

Recap of the 4th Annual Eastern Kentucky Farmer Conference

This past Friday and Saturday the 4th Annual Eastern Kentucky Farmer Conference was held at the Morehead Convention Center in Morehead, KY. A technical assistance “ThinkTank” and an Eastern Kentucky Grower Buyer Meetup added to the conference this year, giving attendees the opportunity to not only network with other producers but also buyers, funders, and technical assistance providers. The conference offered 16 different sessions, including 4 short courses on Friday discussing topics such as high tunnel production, food safety regulations, business planning, and online marketing. Saturday included 12 different sessions on topics such as starting a CSA, no-till vegetable production, non-timber agroforestry, agritourism, and small fruit production.