Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development

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Q&A with KCARD: Turning New Customers into Regulars

Question: How do I turn new customers who are just now finding our business into returning customers that come back again and again?

Answer: If you’re in the business of selling local food right now, you might be in a unique situation with an uptick in sales and an increase in new customers. We are hearing from businesses that they are getting orders from folks who have never purchased food anywhere other than the grocery store, who suddenly want to buy in bulk from a local farmer. 

New customers can be a lot of work. You can spend a lot of time and energy patiently giving answers to endless questions. Think of it like “onboarding” them to your business and brand. If you onboard them well, they could become an asset -- repeat customers. They might even do some marketing for you into new, untapped markets (think social media, word-of-mouth). These new customers are a lot of work, sure, but they are a valuable opportunity for your business’s growth 6 months, even 1 year down the road. Here are 3 tips on how to turn a new customer into a regular. 

  1. Make a strong first impression – While in-person interaction should be minimal right now, you are likely having emails, phone calls, or social media conversations with new customers. Take time to provide a timely, patient, and informative response.

    Take a look with fresh eyes at your website, online store, and social media accounts. Do you have easy-access information about your farm and story? Are these platforms organized to make a good first impression? If not, update it. Consider rolling out a short video or story that says who you are, what you sell, the story of your business, and save it to the top of your page. 

    Make sure you spend time with your employees to remind them of the importance of these first impressions, too.

  2. Get their contact information – When new customers make a purchase, do you get their contact information? Do you suggest that they follow you on social media? You want to find a way to stay in touch with these new customers long-term, so ask them to follow along via e-newsletter or social media now.

  3. Create a bag-drop flyer – Craft a small flyer or brochure specifically for this time to put in all new customers’ bags. A hopeful message that communicates your story, products available, and purchase options could help contribute to a 2nd purchase for the new customer. Especially in this time, customers might love to read a personal, hopeful story. Don’t forget to include your social media information! 

Give KCARD a call to discuss your business and how KCARD can assist during this time. You can reach us at 859-550-3972 or via email at