Co-op 101: Limited Cooperative Associations 

Co-op 101: Limited Cooperative Associations 

In the last 20 years, several states, including Kentucky, have passed statutes that have created a new cooperative business structure, the limited cooperative association (LCA) that is a hybrid of a traditional cooperative and a limited liability company (LLCs).

Direct Marketing Sheep & Goat Webinar Series

Direct Marketing Sheep & Goat Webinar Series

A Direct Marketing Sheep & Goat Webinar Series will be presented on the evenings of November 17, 18, and 19 to help producers interested in selling lamb, goat, and fiber products with production practices, processing, and sales and marketing questions. The webinar is being co-hosted by the Kentucky Sheep & Goat Development Office and the Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (KCARD).

Q&A with Haleigh Young: KCARD and the New Client Process

Q&A with Haleigh Young: KCARD and the New Client Process

Haleigh Young, KCARD’s administrative assistant, fields tons of questions every day from other KCARD staff and new KCARD clients. She recently took some time to answer a few questions about herself and how new clients and inquiries begin working with KCARD.

Co-op 101: Types and Examples of Cooperatives

Co-op 101: Types and Examples of Cooperatives

Cooperatives exist in every sector of the economy, and cooperatives range from very small, local businesses to large multi-national corporations. Cooperatives can be classified by their primary business activity. Co-ops are often categorized as marketing, supply (or purchasing), consumer, service, and worker.

Co-op 101: Who Receives the Profits in a Co-op?

Co-op 101: Who Receives the Profits in a Co-op?

The purpose of a cooperative is to provide and distribute benefits to members based on their use of the services of the cooperative. Co-op benefits may include better prices for goods, improved services, a new market for goods, or a better source of inputs. These benefits also include receiving patronage refunds (also commonly referred to as patronage dividends), which is the distribution of net profits of the business based upon the use of the co-op’s services. The patronage refund may be in the form of payment or a written notice of allocation to the member’s equity account in the co-op.

Q&A with Kellie Padgett: AgVets Program

Q&A with Kellie Padgett: AgVets Program

Kellie Padgett, one of KCARD’s business development specialists, took a little time to answer some questions about herself, the new program Connecting Kentucky Veterans to Agriculture Opportunities (AgVets), and give some helpful tips for veterans interested in getting into agriculture.

KCARD Guest Blogger: Farm Service Agency

KCARD Guest Blogger: Farm Service Agency

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be showcasing partners in our Growing Your Farm and Food Business Webinar series. These partners provide funding opportunities to Kentucky’s agricultural producers and agribusinesses. In this post, we are learning about the Farm Service Agency and the programs they administer.