In May 2020, KCARD launched the Kentucky Local Food System Expansion Initiative through support from an USDA Local Food Promotion Program grant. The goal of the Initiative is to increase local food sales for Kentucky producers by developing sales connections with buyers such as retail stores, institutions, restaurants, schools, and distributors. At 24 months into the Initiative, we wanted to provide a quick glimpse at producers who have been assisted thus far.
How Can I Get Free Money? Four Basic Steps of the Grant Application Process
We get asked all the time how to get “free money” in the form of grants for on-farm projects. The answer is pretty simple: there is no free money. While grants can be a helpful way to fund worthwhile projects on the farm, there is a lot of work that goes into receiving a grant. In this post, we discuss some of the key steps of the grant application process.
Sign Up for the 2022 Kentucky AgVets Mentor Program
Are you interested in serving as a mentor for the Kentucky AgVets Program or have an interest in participating in the program as a veteran? Mentorships will be designed to provide hands-on training and develop a network for veterans looking to start their career in agriculture.
Do I Need an Accountant?
Some of our growing clients get to a point where they feel like financial documents and planning are taking away from their time developing new customer relationships or managing other aspects of the growing business, so they start thinking about contracting that component of the business out. In this post, we discuss some things to consider when finding an accountant for your business.
Business Development – Three Reasons to Think about Business Planning the Next Rainy Day
KCARD provides a lot of different services, but key to each one is our mission of Business Development for Kentucky farmers and agricultural businesses. While some businesses may not see the need for a business plan, here are three reasons that smart businesses put time into business planning.
Too Many Options: Choice Overload in Your Business
Did you know that if you offer your customers too many options that it decreases the chances that they make a purchase? A lot of food businesses we work with want to have 20+ varieties of the value-added food product that they are making. The problem: having too many choices in a food category causes our brain to go a little haywire. In this post, we discuss what you can do to prevent choice overload in your customers.
Local Food Census Maps: Visualizing Local Food Sales Across the State
Launched in 2020, KCARD’s Kentucky Local Food Expansion Initiative connects local farmers to buyers and seeks to grow a strong and diverse buyer-producer network across the state. One aspect of the initiative includes visualizing where local food production and sales are already occurring and where they are not to inform the work.
March 19th: Kentucky AgVets Workshop and Networking Event
Please join the AgVets team on March 19th at 10am-4pm at the Robinson Center for Appalachian Resource Sustainability (RCARS) in Jackson, KY for QPR training in the morning, followed by a catered lunch, and a high tunnel workshop in the afternoon.
Woodstock Lavender Co.: Turning an Idea Into a Business
Woodstock Lavender Co. Is a family-operated lavender farm located in Somerset, KY, owned by Allison Horseman and her mother, Mary Ann May. The business offers handcrafted and natural lavender products. Woodstock Lavender Co. utilized KCARD’s services to turn their idea of a lavender farm into a successful business.
Hidden Costs of Launching a Value-Added Product
Adding value to your farm product can bring more of that food dollar back home to the farm. Many Kentucky farmers transform their raw agricultural commodity into a different product with higher market value (milk to cheese, fruit to jam, etc.) This may seem like an obvious way to increase revenue, but it’s important to understand all of the costs associated with launching a value-added product. Understanding your costs will help you price your product at the right level and ensure that you can make a profit off the finished product.