Key Thoughts for Distribution — Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development

Key Thoughts for Distribution

This past week, the Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (KCARD) partnered with UK’s Center for Crop Diversification (CCD) on a webinar comparing the pros and cons of farm-to-consumer distribution methods including On-Farm Pickup, Off-Farm Pickup, Home Delivery, and Shipping. You can access this recorded webinar, which discusses pros and cons in detail, HERE.

One thing we want to emphasize is that your business doesn’t need to do it all – i.e. offer every distribution method mentioned above. What works for one farm business might not work for yours. Below are a few key thoughts when it comes to picking a distribution method or two.

  • Make a decision, get started, then adapt. Timing is everything right now and getting stuck in “analysis paralysis” can keep you from getting started. As with all changes to marketing and distribution, adjustments will have to be made. Take the time to analyze what fits your business best, then get started. As you find pieces that work and don’t work, adjust your system and continue. You don’t have to be perfect right out of the gate.

  • Don’t do a distribution method in a panic now, and then stop offering it later. Customers like consistency, and while there is very little that is consistent currently, when everything starts re-opening many customers are going to continue to expect some of the “new” methods of doing business, which could include purchasing from local businesses. For example, if you start offering delivery now and then stop offering it later, you could lose customers who might continue to purchase from you because delivery fits into their busy schedules.

  • Things will go wrong—have a plan for addressing issues. There will always be hiccups in a new system. Make sure you try to think of all the pieces that could go wrong, whether it is being stricter on social distancing and turning customers away, or website crashes for online ordering. The customer service you offer during these hiccups will help save your future sales and continue to encourage customers to purchase from you.

Think strategically about how these methods of distribution work with your existing business. Things will go wrong with anything new, so the important thing is to address the issues and adapt, not to let perfection stop you from getting started. Stay tuned for a new video coming from KCARD regarding the financial considerations for new distribution methods. KCARD is able to provide one-on-one assistance for farm businesses navigating these distribution methods, including financial, technological, and marketing considerations. You can reach us at 859-550-3972 or at